animal rescue links
Unfortunately animals are very often abused and killed on Malta. Often puppies are found next to their dead mother. Without help they, too, would suffer a horrible death. They are very difficult to rehome on Malta and if they were put back on the streets they would probably meet the same fate as their parents.
ACS is a non profit and non funded Community Purpose Organisation and is a combined effort by a dedicated team of individuals and volunteers across Australia who are truly passionate about the welfare and awareness of guinea pigs.
Rescue information on cats, rabbits, and cavies
CavyRescue (registered charity number 1111583) is the UK’s first and only dedicated rat rescue charity.
Sort of like Petfinder for piggies!
The Island Sanctuary has been in operation for over 20 years, catering for the needs of stray and abandoned dogs in Malta, and is listed as a Charity Organisation
This web site is dedicated to pet owners — or more accurately, people owned by pets. By pets, we're talking about dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, rodents, horses, and especially ferrets. Those of you who are snake, lizard and reptile people, feel free to look around, but don't eat anyone!
"Saving just one animal won't change the world, but surely the world will change for that one animal."
Southampton Animal Shelter
The SPCA promotes kindness to animals and attempts to prevent all forms of cruelty to all animals. The SPCA is interested in ensuring that any legislation that affects, or is likely to affect, the welfare of animals is promoted or opposed accordingly.
St Francis Foundation for Animals was set up to put into practice the teachings of St Francis of Assisi. The task of the Foundation is twofold; To take care of abandoned animals, some of which cannot be re-homed, and to teach the true Christian ethic of compassion towards all creatures, in line with St Francis' beliefs which he put into practice throughout his life.
Features a page on how to start a guinea pig rescue
Directory of animal rescue web sites. Pets and wildlife. Homes wanted, lost pets, jobs, notices etc. Fast loading site. Regularly updated.
Australian Cavy Sanctuary
Cats and Rabbits and More
Cavy Rescue
GPAN (Guinea Pig Adoption Network)
Island Sanctuary - Malta
New Rainbow Bridge
Southampton Animal Shelter
SPCA (Malta)
St Francis Foundation for Animals (Malta)
The Home for Unwanted & Abandoned Guinea Pigs
UK Animal Rescuers
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